
Glasgow’s 12 Fastest Growing FinTech Startups

At Fintech Energy we track over 200,000 fintech startups and over 1,000,000 people who hold key positions in these companies. We use this directory of startups to highlight top employees, founders and organisations we think deserve more appreciation than they are currently getting.

We’ve ranked the top 12 FinTech companies in Glasgow. The companies, startups and institutions listed in this article are all exceptional companies, well worth a follow. We have included links to their websites, socials and CrunchBase (if you’re interested in their financials).

We selected the organisations listed in this article based on:

  • Track record
  • Executive leadership
  • Market share
  • Innovation
  • ESG rating

Our Data – We source our data from OSINT (open source intelligence) and public directories such as CrunchbaseSemRush and many more. The data from these sources should be treated with a degree of caution and verified yourself.

Top FinTech Companies & Startups (Glasgow)


FoundersCrawford Taylor, Marty Bell, Stephen Doherty
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The new way to save for and purchase your first home.


FoundersAndrii Leus, Graciela Carrillo
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Strikes is a beautiful, intuitive, and data-driven stocks & options trading app built to help you trade options the right way.


FoundersMoshe David Rubinstein
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A Digital Wallet and Social Currency for Drinks

Interactive Investor

FoundersSherry Coutu
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Interactive Investor is a subscription-based direct investing platform that helps website users make accurate financial decisions.

Lease Fetcher

FoundersWill Craig
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A leasing comparison start-up base in the UK.


FoundersAndrew Duncan
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Soar is a Glasgow-based fintech focused on building a better financial society.

Bifrost Wealth

FoundersAndreas Pogiatzis, Dino Lauria Ubatuba de Faria, Lorenzo Berg, Martina Lofqvist, Nasser Qadri, Viktor Torstenius, Zoe Balek
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Wealth Management, Finance, Investment

Castlight Financial

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Castlight provides real-time, affordability & financial capability analysis the Affordability Passport & Categorisation as a Service.


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Accountables fintech platform is that provides financial services.

Unlisted Ltd

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Real-time AI-powered company valuations

Kesho Systems

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SaaS Banking platform for credit unions in the UK


FoundersJustin Sun
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Zedwallet is the fastest and safest way to store, send, receive and invest cryptocurrencies.

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